This original pipe coating corrosion protection illustration presents a transmission pipeline being laid with plant applied FBE fusion bonded epoxy coated energy pipe in a power station construction jobsite scene.
This pipe coating corrosion protection illustration was created as a larger illustrated image that functioned in its entirety as a masthead for the company’s 2017 calendar and also have the left and right sides work independently as business unit brochure and ad images. The production cost for this original pipe coating corrosion protection illustration will be amortized through multiple uses over the next 3 years.

Ninetimes (9x) original illustration and animation can combine multiple construction applications into difficult-to-stage jobsite scenes when photography can not. Our original jobsite images are unique marketing tools that create an exciting visual narrative. Ninetimes digitally-created illustration provides the flexibility needed to present complex construction marketing images.
Our original illustration and animation can make your marketing presentations more exciting and informative. Please consider Ninetimes for your next project.