Ninetimes Creates Morris-Shea DeWaal Pile Illustration
Original Art Previews in March/April Deep Foundations Magazine Ad
Ninetimes has completed an illustrated ad for Morris-Shea that presents the unique distinction between the specialty contractor’s patented DeWaal Pile System and other contractors’ substandard drilled displacement pile foundations. The original art will be previewed in a full page ad in the March/April issue of Deep Foundations Magazine.
The illustration includes an above ground view of an IHC Fundex drill rig and a below ground cutaway image of DeWaal tooling. The art was digitally-painted with Adobe Photoshop software.
About Ninetimes
Ninetimes is an award-winning advertising design firm specializing in realistic illustration, 3D animation and video. Our illustrated product and service images provide the flexibility needed to bring great marketing concepts into reach. Ninetimes can add fresh impact to a mature product or present an engineer’s newest development in a realistic or conceptual scene.
Our graphics have been used internationally by market leaders in transportation, construction, manufacturing, energy and telecommunication industries. Ninetimes designs advertising for online, interactive, magazine, collateral, video and exhibit presentations.
The Ninetimes portfolio can be viewed at and the Ninetimes YouTube Channel.